CAS is pleased to announce that Selangor Open, a FIDE-rated and National-rated event, will be held from 1st May to 6th May 2012. There is a change in the schedule format if compares with previous years. It is to accomodate more working adults and school going children to take part in this event.
The first 2 rounds will be played on 1st May (Labour Day). Rd 1 @ 2PM followed by Rd 2 @ 7PM. As for Rd 3 to Rd 5, it will start at 7PM on each following day. Then, Rd 6 and Rd 7 on 5th May (Saturday) followed by Rd 8 & Rd 9 on Sunday.
CAS hopes this schedule will be able to attract more people from chess community to support this self-funded event (as of today). The main prize for this event has been extended to top 15 (instead of top 10 winners). Also, CAS is offering top 3 teams (Gold medals, Silver medals and Bronze medals) for IPT/School category. Each IPT/School must send 4 players to be eligible for the prizes.
Entries with payment receives by 23rd April shall entitled to RM 30 discount. In addition, a further 20% discount shall be given to IPT/Schools that send at least 4 players.
CAS hopes all chess bloggers / coaches / academies / associations in Malaysia can lend the support to advertise this Oldest Chess Event in Malaysia in chess blogs and share with as many chess friends as possible to make this event a success.
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