For those who born after 2001, can still sign-up for higher age-group category namely UNDER-12.
Entries for Under-12 (born in or after 1999), Under-14 (born in or after 1997) and Under-16 (born in or after 1995) are still open for registration.
Participant who register BEFORE 22nd Nov (Tuesday) shall pay RM 10 only as entry fee. While, those who register AFTER 22nd Nov must pay RM 20 to take part in the event.
This one-day event will begins from 10am (Confirmation of Registration) until 6pm (Closing Ceremony). Round 1 starts from 10.50am, while the Round 6 (last round) ends at 5.40pm. Time control is 25 minutes to the finish per player.
For those who are interested to take part in this event, you can register your children in 3 easy steps i.e.
1. Print the Entry form (right-click on the image, followed by clicking on Open Link in New Window, then Click on the image that appears on the New Window for an enlarged version for printing)
2. Fill up the Entry form,
3. Personally pass the written entry form with payment enclosed back to me during National Scholastic Age-Group (Secondary School), 20 Nov (Sunday between 10am to 11am) OR Bank-in RM 10 into Maybank A/C. 112223-186563 (Lim Tse Pin), scan the entry form and bank-in slip, then email to
ACT Fast before all seats fill-up!!!
Event Infosheet
Entry Form