Once again, SJK(C) Kepong 2 continues to organise the annual age-group chess tournament for 15th consecutive years since 1995. This year edition is to be held on 13th September 2009 at the school hall.
It is expected to attract more than 200 players for the 5 categories namely Under-08, Under-10, Under-12, Under-14, and Under-16. This is a national-rated event. For children who yet to have a national rating, this is a very good opportunity to get your first national rating. While, those who already possess a rating can pit against fellow nationally-rated friends to see how far have they improve in their game.
Attactive prizes e.g. hampers, and trophies are awaiting all top 10 winners, while the top 5 winners in each category will receive cash too. Hampers will be given away to 4 players who come from the school that walk away with Best School title (highest acculmulated points from 4 player) in each category. Also, the Best Girl in each category will receive a hamper and trophy.
Closing date for this event: 1st September 2009. You may download the entry form here. All entry forms must have payment (cheque only) enclosed and to be sent to SJK(C) Kepong 2 before the Closing Date.